The Sentinelwants yourstories, picsand videos

Contribute to the Sentinel via the following interface on our website to the Sentinel via the following interface on our website
Contribute to the Sentinel via the following interface on our website
It’s time to start contributing to the Sentinel - your news source since 1829.

How would you like to help keep the paper’s finger on the pulse.

Have you seen something you’d like to tell us about? Have you news from your neighbourhood?

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We’re always looking to get our readers involved in the stories that matter most to them. Have you reached a milestone? Broken a record? Beaten the best? We love a feel-good story, especially if it comes with a photograph of any celebrations.

Whether you’re bathing in beans or baking a cake, tell us what you’re doing to make a difference in your community and we’ll get right behind you.

Is there something going on that’s making you hot under the collar? Have you an opinion on anything you’ve read about?

We want your photos, your stories, your videos and your opinions. We want you to sculpt the paper and its online and mobile counterparts in your image, as you’ve always done, it’s just that now there’s a more direct way to do so.

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Simply log on to the website at this interface you can share all of the above with the paper’s team.

It will drop straight into our internal database and if its good enough we’ll publish it. so get contributing. Just make sure to label your photos, videos and stories with INLS followed by the subject or topic.